In some instance I gave (or co-authored) a poster at a meeting but no abstract was prepared. These are listed below. Some of the posters were digitized and might be available by contacting the senior authors.

Marsden, D.A., deWreede, R., and C.D. Levings. 1998. Effects of acid mine drainage from Britannia Mines, BC, on Fucus gardneri, an intertidal seaweed. Poster Presentation at Pacific Ecology Conference, Penticton Inn, Penticton BC Feb 20-22 1998.

Perry, R.I., Levings, C.D., Murfitt, I., Yamanaka, L., and M. Foreman, 2004. Development of ecosystem-based marine management objectives and indicators for the Central Coast of British Columbia, Canada. Poster presentation at Symposium on Ecosystem Indicators for Fisheries Management, Paris, March 31-April 3 2004.

Hessing-Lewis, M., Arnott, S., Treitz, P., Tobe, E., Durance, C., and C.D. Levings 2004. Assessing eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the Squamish River estuary, British Columbia. Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Victoria, BC Aug 24-26 2004

Lo, V., Levings, C.D., Chan, K., Simard, N., and B. Klinkenberg, 2008. Shipping patterns across Canada: estimating potential propagule pressure by ballast water. Poster presentation at AGM, Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network. Banff, AB April 28-29 2008.

Humphrey, D., DiBacco, C. and C.D. Levings 2008. Non-indigenous zooplankton ballast water communities. Poster presentation at AGM, Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network. Banff, AB April 28-29 2008.