Advisory reports are Fisheries and Oceans Canada scientific documents that have been peer reviewed (sometimes not anonymously) and formally accepted as advice to stock or habitat managers. Various categories are recognized (eg Proceedings, Research Documents, etc) and all are available on line through the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat. Indices to the reports can be found at and should be consulted in the instance that some of the links below are not active.

Levings, C.D. 1999. Review of current practices to reduce the risk of introducing non-indigenous species into Pacific region via ballast water. Pacific Scientific Advisory Research Committee Research Document (available in hard copy from Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat, Fisheries and Oceans, 200 Kent Street, Ottawa or on line as

Levings, C.D. and G.S. Jamieson 1999. An evaluation on criteria for creating MPAs in the Pacific region: a proposed semi-quantitative scheme. DFO Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat Research Document 99/210 (available in hard copy for Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat, Fisheries and Oceans, 200 Kent Street, Ottawa or on line as

Jamieson, G, O’Boyle, R., Arbor, J., Cobb, D., Courtenay, S., Gregory, R., Levings, C., Munro, J., Perry, I., and H.vandermeulen, 2001. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Objectives and Indicators For Ecosystem-based Management. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat. Proceedings Series. 140 p

Perry, I., Levings, C., Hein, K., and F. Hietkamp, 2001. Development of ecosystem-based marine management objectives and indicators on the Central Coast of B.C. p.85-87 in Jamieson, G, O’Boyle, R., Arbor, J., Cobb, D., Courtenay, S., Gregory, R., Levings, C., Munro, J., Perry, I., and H.vandermeulen, 2001. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Objectives and Indicators For Ecosystem-based Management. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat. Proceedings Series. 140 p

Levings, C.D. and G. S. Jamieson, 2001. Marine and estuarine riparian habitats and their role in coastal ecosystems, Pacific Region. CSAS Research Document 2001/109.

 Levings, C.D.,J.M. Helfield, D.J. Stucchi, and T.F. Sutherland, 2002. A perspective on the use of Performance Based Standards to assist in fish habitat management on the seafloor near salmon net pen operations in British Columbia. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2002/075. 59 p.

 Jamieson, G.S., R. Scrosati, C. Schwarz, C. Levings, and B. Smiley,2002. Review of data quality and sampling protocols of the Shorekeepers’ guide. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2002/121(

Levings, C.D. and W.A. Nelson, 2003. Provisional criteria for determining critical habitat for aquatic species at risk in estuaries and nearshore habitat, Pacific Region.

(abstract) p. 57 in Randall, R.G., Dempson, J.B., Minns, C.K., Powles, H., and J.D. Reist (Eds). Proceedings of the National DFO Workshop on Quantifying Critical Habitat for Aquatic Species at Risk. (

Levings, C.D. and W.A. Nelson 2003. Review of potential critical habitats for white sturgeon  (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Fraser River estuary.  Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat  Research Document 2003/099. 26 p.

Levings, C.D. and M.G.G. Foreman, 2004. Ecological and oceanographic criteria for alternate ballast water exchange zones in the Pacific Region. 2004-118

Chamberlain, J., D. Stucchi, L. Lu and C. Levings. 2005. The suitability of DEPOMOD for use in the management of finfish aquaculture sites, with specific reference to Pacific Region. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2005/035.

Lo, V., Chan, K.M.A., and C.D. Levings, 2010. Effects of climate change on aquatic invasive species in British Columbia p. 77-81 in Crawford, W.R. and J.R. Irvine (Eds). State of physical, biological, and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2009. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2010/053. Viii+137 p.

Bradford, M., Macdonald, J.S., and C.D. Levings, 2015. Presentation D3 (Page 10) Monitoring Habitat Compensation in the Pacific Region, Lessons from the Past 30 Years. Proceedings of the National Peer Review Meeting of the Monitoring Design and Metrics to Assess the Effectiveness of Habitat Compensation Activities December 6-8, 2011 Ottawa, ON. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Proceedings Series 2015/022 National Capital Region

Bradford, M.J., Macdonald, J.S., and C.D. Levings, 2017. Monitoring Habitat Compensation in the Pacific Region, Lessons from the Past 30 Years. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2017/33. 32 p.