Levings, C.D. 1981. Review of Marine Benthic Dynamics. (ed. K.R. Tenore and B.C. Coull). Can. J. Aquat. Sci., 38: 1009 p.

Levings, C.D. 1983. Book Review. Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management (G.F. Mayer, Ed.) Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40: 1539.

Levings, C.D. 1983. Book review: crabs and their relatives in British Columbia (J.F. L. Hart). Can J Fish Aquat Sci 40:1168.

Levings, C.D. 2017. Review of a trio of books dealing with three components of the BC salmon industry in the 1970s (Holland, Dave. 2014. Tide Changes. A True West Coast Fishing Adventure. Kelowna, BC. Webb Publishing; Marach, W.N. 2014. A Gillnet’s Drift. Tales of Fish and Freedom on the BC Coast. Victoria BC. Heritage House Publishing Company; Nelson, Randy. Poachers, Polluters and Politics. A Fishery Officer’s Career. Madeira Park, BC. Harbour Publishing. BC Studies Vol 192 (Winter 2016-2017).

Levings, C.D. 2018. Review of Fleming, S. 2017. Where the River Flows: Scientific Reflections on Earth’s Waterways Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. The Ormsby Review # 268 https://bcbooklook.com/2018/03/21/how-rivers-can-remember-2/

Levings, C.D. 2018. Review of Finley, C., 2017. All the Boats on the Ocean. University of Chicago Press. Transactions American Fisheries Society 147:414

Levings, C.D. 2019. Review of Fishes of the Salish Sea by Theodore Wells Pietsch and James Wilder Orr, illustrated by Joseph R. Tomelleri. Published in Canada by Heritage House and in the United States by University of Washington Press.1032 pages including plates Ormsby Review https://ormsbyreview.com/2019/12/14/692-levings-pietsch-orr-salish-sea-fishes/

Levings, C. D. (2020) Review of Cutthroat Trout: Evolutionary Biology and Taxonomy. By P. Trotter, P. Bisson, L. Schultz & B. Roper (Eds). 2018.. American Fisheries Society Special Publication 36. 386 p. Journal of Fish Biology 96: 283-284

Levings, C.D. 2021. Review of Stanley’s Dream – The Medical Expedition to Easter Island by Jacalyn Duffin. McGill-Queen’s University Press. 2019. 554 pp including figures and maps. $33 CDN. The Ormsby Review https://ormsbyreview.com/2021/01/30/1021-levings-duffin-easter-island/