Abstracts of talks at various conferences and meetings were sometimes published and might be available in journals or proceedings volumes. Usually a booklet of abstracts was printed in the earlier years but more recently only digital versions were created. Some of the digital versions might be on conference websites if they were archived.
Levings, C.D. 1975. Anomalous intertidal zonation on mudflats of the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Record of Proceedings, Vol. 1. Thirteenth Pacific Science Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia. 53 p.
Levings, C.D. 1977. Food webs and their linkages to sediments on the Fraser delta. Proc. Annual Meetings Geological Association of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 26, 1977. 32 p.
Levings, C.D. 1977. Sediments and river flows in relation to estuarine benthic ecology at the Fraser River delta. EOS (Trans. Amer. Geophysical Union), 58(3): p. 163
Levings, C.D. 1979. Marsh production and industrial disruption at the Squamish River estuary, British Columbia. p. 651. In. R.I. Jeffries, and A.J. Davy (Ed.). Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments. Blackwell Scientific, London
Levings, C.D. 1980. The importance of concentrating mechanisms for predation epibenthic and planktonic crustacea at the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. American Zoologist 20(4): p. 817
Levings, C.D. 1981. Feeding ecology of juvenile salmonids at three contrasting habitats at the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Estuaries, 4: 243 p.
Levings, C.D. 1982. Aspects of fish habitat construction at Campbell River estuary, British Columbia. Annual Meeting, Pacific Estuarine Research Society, San Francisco, California.
Levings, C.D. 1982. Preliminary observations on the oceanography of a Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) spawning ground and fishery. p. 16 in Poster Abstracts, Volume I, Joint Oceanographic Assembly, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Levings, C.D., McAllister, C.D., and E.P. Anderson, 1984. Prospects for using dredged material to develop rearing habitats for juvenile salmonids at two British Columbia estuaries Fifth International Ocean Disposal Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. September 10-14 1984.
Levings, C.D. 1987. Current fishery research in B.C. estuaries. Estuarine Research Federation Newsletter. 13(1). p. 3. (not available)
Levings, C.D. 1988. Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes in B.C. Estuaries. p. 22. In: Proc. of the Estuary ’87 Conference held at University of B.C. Sept. 18 19, 1987. Published by B.C. Wildlife Federation Surrey B.C., September 1988. 166 p. (extended abstract).
Levings, C.D. 1989. Use of emergence traps to evaluate abundance of insects from developed marshes. 10th Biennial International Estuarine Research Conference. Baltimore, Md. Oct. 8 12, 1989.
Rogers, I.H., J.A. Servizi, W.L. Lockhart, C.D. Levings, R.J. Norstrom. 1989. Effects of exposure to BKME in overwintering upper Fraser River juvenile Chinook salmon. 1989 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Honolulu, Hawaii. December 17 22, 1989.
Rogers, I.H., J.A. Servizi, L. Lockhart, C.D. Levings, R.J. Norstrom. 1989. Effects of exposure to BKME in overwintering upper Fraser River juvenile chinook salmon. Dioxin ’89, 9th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and related Compounds, Toronto, Ont. Sept.17 22, 1989. (Sponsored by Environment Ontario)
Levings, C.D. 1990. Ecological information needed to locate fish farms in fjords. Abstract # 26 in Proceedings, Aquaculture International, September 1990, Vancouver, B.C.
Levings, C.D. and O.E. Langer, 1991. Research in support of fish habitat management, Fraser River estuary.11th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, San Francisco, Nov 11 – 14 1991.
Levings, C.D. 1991. Ecological information needed for siting of salmon net pens. 47th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, May 12-15 1991. Portland, Maine.
McAllister, C.D. and C.D. Levings 1991. Evidence of habitat limitations for hatchery and wild chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) in two British Columbia estuaries. p. 34. International Symposium on Biological Interactions of Enhanced and Wild Salmonids. June 17-20 1991. Nanaimo, BC. Canada
Levings, C.D. 1992. Science and management needed to maintain salmon production in the
Northeast Pacific. Joint meeting, Estuarine Research Federation and Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association, September 14-18, 1992, Plymouth England.
Levings, C.D. 1992. Fish food relationships in a tidal freshwater marsh dominated by reed canary grass. Annual Meeting Pacific Estuarine Research Society, May 9, 1992, Vancouver.
Levings, C.D. 1992. Fisheries Ecology of the Fraser Estuary. Annual Meeting Pacific Estuarine Research Society, May 9, 1992, Vancouver, BC.
Levings, C.D. 1992. Geophysical controls in fish habitat, Fraser River estuary. Workshop on Fraser Estuary, October 19, 1992. Sponsored by Geological Survey of Canada. Where??
Levings, C.D. 1992. Feeding behaviour of juvenile salmon and significance of habitat during estuary and early sea phase. Nordic Agricultural Scientists Association (NJF) Workshop on Postsmolt Biology of Salmonids in Ranching Systems, Umea, Sweden, November 10-12, 1992. NJF Report No. 80. p. 5
Levings, C.D., Whitehouse, T.R., and D.E. Boyle, 1992. Fish food relationships in habitats transitional between land and water. Gutshop ’92, Orcas Island, Washington, November 9-11, 1992.
Stronach, J.A., Levings, C.D., and T.S. Murty. 1992. Change in ecosystems supporting nearshore fish populations due to sea level variation: Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Abstract of Poster Presentation at International Symposium on Effects of Climate Change on Northern Fish Populations, Victoria, B.C., October 15, 1992.
Levings, C.D. and T. Nelson, 1993. Movements of fishes in the Fraser River estuary in relation to their role as sentinel species. Estuarine Research Federation 12th Biennial meeting, Hilton Head, North Carolina, November 14-18 1993
Gregory, R.S. and C.D. Levings. 1993. The indirect effects of the exotic macrophyte, Eurasian Watermilfoil, on sockeye salmon in Cultus Lake, B.C. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Richmond, B.C. March 16 1993.
Levings, C.D. and B.A. Bravender. 1993. Recovery of a mudflat from sewage pollution: preliminary results. Proc. Fraser River Estuary Management Plan Water Quality Annual Meeting, New Westminster, B.C., February 23, 1993, p. 20.
Mjaavatten, O., Levings, C.D. and P. Poon. 1994. What can fatty acid profiles tell us about the origin of Chinook and coho smolts caught in the Fraser River, Canada. 11th Norwegian Symposium on Chromatography, Sandefjord, Norway. Jan. 9-10, 1994.
Simenstad, C.A., C.D. Levings and D. Hay. 1994. The terrestrial/Marine Interface. Conference on the Environment and People of the Coastal Temperate Rain Forest. Whistler, August 29-31, 1994.
Nelson, T.C., Levings, C.D., and R.A. Alexander, 1995 Movements of the starry flounder Platichthys stellatus in relation to its role as a sentinel species for contaminants in northeastern Pacific estuaries. Fourth Annual PICES Meeting, Qingdao, China, October 16-22 1995
North, M.S. and C.D. Levings, 1996. Use of remote sensing in the DFO at Marine Foreshore Fish Habitat Assessment Project. Poster presentation the Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC ’96), Victoria, BC, August 13-16 1996 and abstract.
Levings, C.D. and E.R. Piercey, 1996. Preliminary analyses of biota in ballast water collected in ships arriving in British Columbia ports from the northwest Pacific. Fifth Annual PICES meeting, Nanaimo, B.C. October 1996 (5 pages, extended abstract)
Cross, S.F., Gormican, S.J., and C.D. Levings, 1997. A preliminary examination of the transfer of oxytetracycline (OTC) from farm fish to fauna adjacent to a small net pen operation in British Columbia. Poster presentation. p. 68 in Pierce, R.C. and D. Williams (Ed). Book of Abstracts: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Green Plan Toxic Chemicals Program Wrap Up Conference. Can Tech Rep Fish Aquat Sci 2163. 93 pp.
Levings, C.D. 1997. Marine habitat restoration – some examples from British Columbia. Coastal and Marine Environmental Seminar, Asia Dive and Exhibition Conference, World Trade Center, Singapore. May 17 1997
Emmett, R.L., Copping, A., Fishman, P., Hornberger, M., Levings, C.D., Llanso, R., Newton, J., and R. Thom 1997. Geographic signatures of West Coast Estuaries. Biennial Meeting of the Estuarine Research Federation, Providence, Rhode Island, October 12-18 1997.
Levings, C.D., S.F. Cross, and S. J. Gormican 1998 A preliminary examination of the transfer of oxytetracycline (OTC) from farm fish to fauna adjacent to a net-pen operation in British Columbia. 7th PICES annual meeting, Fairbanks, Alaska. October 14-25 1998.
Milligan, Kristen L.D., Colin D. Levings, and Robert E. DeWreede, 1998. Data compilation and preliminary time series analysis of abundance of a dominant kelp species in relation to the 1997/1998 El Nino event. 1998 Science Board Symposium on the Impacts of the 1997/98 El Nino Event on the North Pacific Ocean and its Marginal Seas.
7th Annual PICES meeting, Fairbanks, Alaska October 14-15 1998.
Levings, C.D. 1999. Critical environmental information for management plans in Pacific estuaries. PACON (Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology)’99. Moscow, Russia June 23-25 1999. p.221.
Levings, C.D. 1999. Habitat considerations for marine protected areas. Georgia Basin Task Force meeting on Marine Protected Areas, May 17 1999, Bellingham, WA. (extended abstract)
Levings, C.D and T.A. Sutherland, 2000. Disruption of intertidal fish habitat by natural and industrial sedimentation in estuaries – British Columbia, Canada. Tidalite 2000. Fifth International Conference on Tidal Environments. Seoul National University. Seoul Korea June 12-14 2000, p. 95-99
Sutherland, T. and C.D. Levings, 2000.Standard analytical protocols for ballast water testing. PACON (Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology) 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii. June 5-9 2000. p. 142
Levings, C.D., Mehlenbacher, N. and K. Barry. 2001. Origin and identity of invertebrate organisms being brought into Canada’s Pacific coast by ballast water. International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. New Orleans, LA. April 9-11 2001.
Sutherland, T., Levings, C.D., Petersen, S. and W. Hesse, 2001. Effects of cyclonic separation and UV treatment. First International Ballast Water R&D Symposium. London, UK March 26-27 2001. Sponsored by International Maritime Organization.
Levings, Colin D 2002. Current and future priorities for coastal management. Osaka Bay Institute Newsletter 10 (38): 1-2 (Distributed in English and Japanese)
Levings, Colin D. 2002. Desirable seashore environment for marine life. Panel presentation at International Environmental Forum: The Marine Future and Possibility. Expo 70 Commemoration Hall, Senri-Osaka, Japan. April 30 2002. 3 p. (Distributed in Japanese). Sponsored by Osaka Bay Institute.
Levings, Colin D. 2002. Estuarine ecology, management, and restoration of wetlands on the west coast of Canada.4th International Symposium on Yellow Sea Environment and Wetland Conservation Strategy. Qingdao, P.R. China, November 5-7 2002. p. 5.
Cordell, J.R., Levings, C.D., Herwig, R.P., Ong, S., Piercey, G.E. and J.C. Perrins, 2003. The origin and consequences of zooplankton arriving in Vancouver, Canada and Puget Sound, U.S.A. Third International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, March 16-19 2003. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California.
Levings, C.D. and Jong Geel Je 2003. Comparison of vegetation-invertebrate relationships on natural and restored mudflats in northeast and northwest Pacific estuaries. Biennial Meeting of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle. September 15 2003.
Stucchi, Dario, Sutherland, Terri and Colin Levings, 2003. Near-field depositional model for aquaculture wastes. BC Aquaculture Research and Development Committee Workshop on Aquaculture Wastes, Victoria BC November 26 2003.
Levings, C.D. and D. Bouillon, 2004. Scaling salmonid life history by habitat area as a possible method of estimating estuarine conservation needs in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Abstract, American Fisheries Society. Fourth World Fisheries Congress, Vancouver BC May 2-6 2004. p. 314
Hill, P.R., Houser, C., Lintern, D.G., Shaw, A., Solomon, S., Sutherland, S., Levings, C.D. and J. Tansey, 2004. Sensitivity of the Roberts Bank tidal flats (Vancouver, Canada) to climate change and anthropogenic alteration. Extended abstract, Littoral 2004, 20-22 September, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. 2 p.
Levings, Colin, 2007. Salmonid populations, habitats and communities as descriptors of ecological integrity of estuaries in two hemispheres. Annual Meeting American Fisheries Society. San Francisco September 15 2007.
Therriault, T., Jamieson, G., DiBacco, C., and C.D. Levings, 2007. Aquatic Invasive Species in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Session 10D, II. Proceedings Georgia Basin Research Conference, Vancouver BC, March 26-29 2007.http://www.engr.washington.edu/epp/psgb/2007psgb/2007proceedings/index.html (abstract only).
Lo, Veronica, Kai M.A. Chan and Colin Levings, 2008.Shipping as a Vector for Aquatic Invasive Species into Canadian Ports. Abstract D-34. Coastal Zone Canada May 25-29 2008. University of BC Vancouver BC
Lo,Veronica. Kai M.A. Chan,and Colin D. Levings, 2009. Estimating potential and effective propagule pressure of aquatic invasive species in Canadian shipping ports. Sixth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. Portland OR August 24-26 2009
Levings, Colin, 2009. Estuarine Ecology of the Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) Outside of its Native Range. Annual Meeting Coastal and Estuarine Research Society. Portland OR November 2 2009
Mach, M. and C. D. Levings, 2009. Identifying the determinants of native and invasive species composition in Canadian eelgrass beds at a regional and national scale. Annual Meeting, Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey CA Nov 14 2009.
Levings, C.D., 2013. Thorpe visited: how salmonids took over estuaries. Pacific Estuarine Research Society Annual Meeting, Tsawwassen, BC April 7 2013.
Levings, C.D. and J.S. Macdonald 2015. Final results of a transfer experiment to help evaluate juvenile Chinook salmon survival in an estuary. American Fisheries Society meeting, Washington-BC Chapter. Richmond BC February 18.2015
Levings, C.D., 2015. The Estuary as a Challenge to Salmonid Survival. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Estuary Research Society, Seattle, Washington March 3 2015
Levings, C.D. 2016. A gammarid amphipod as a potential indicator of deglaciation and estuarine change. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Estuarine Research Society, March 10-13 2016. Cheakamus Centre, Squamish, BC.
Levings, C.D. 2016 Going aground and floating off – ships, boats and hovercrafts as scientific platforms for ecological sampling on the lower Fraser River and estuary. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Nautical Research Society, New Westminster BC August 19 2016